Belleayre, NY 02/20/14


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Earlier this week, I realized that none of my 18 ski days this season had been in NYS and that I was in danger of violating the terms of this site, so I joined Jason for a run up to Belleayre, which is currently leading the lift-served mountains in the Catskills and Adirondacks for natural snow with 130 inches YTD. We figured that it'd be smart to get out before today's forecasted rain, as did marketing manager Joe McCracken, who joined us for a good portion of the day.

Even though this is a quasi-vacation week (with some schools on break and some not), lifts were ski-on and Belle did its usual excellent job of spreading people out on the trails. Joe and many of the on-mountain employees are wearing ORDA coats with the Whiteface logo on the back: good product placement for the Ski3 Pass, which he mentioned has been selling well, especially amongst Belle's downstate clientele.


Upper Peekamoose

Until the early afternoon, skies were clear and conditions were superb; in fact, I was getting a bit warm by late morning and opted for the open-coat/parachute effect on one run. Jason pointed out that all I needed was a Starter jacket and jeans for the complete tri-state Joey look:


The standard rap on Belle is that it's ridge-line skiing with a steep upper pitch followed by blue-square runouts back to the lift, which is accurate, but those runouts, with their soft snow and gentle curves, are really fun and always lead me into a soothing Zen mindset. Plattekill's Ridge Run and Windham's Wiseacres have the same effect on me:

Lower Peekamoose

It was virtually impossible to find a lousy line yesterday. Groomers and off-piste alike were skiing beautifully:

Tomahawk Glade


Belleayre Glade


Belleayre Glade

Note to self: when taking a pair of veteran skis out for the first time this season, don't leave the DINs at 1:

Belleayre Glade

By the early afternoon, clouds had rolled in, which flattened the light quite a bit. Around 2 pm, Jason and I headed over to Cathedral Glen. The "thin cover" sign really isn't necessary at this point.

Conditions over there were excellent as well. With temps continuing to climb, we hit it just before the mashed-potatoes stage:


A very pleasant, relaxing day at Belleayre and a reminder that spring skiing and BBQ & beerz in the sun on the Overlook Lodge deck aren't far away:
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