Basilica de la Sagrada Familia en Barcelona


Jul 15, 2020
We got back from 10 days in Spain, our graduation present for our daughter. I decided to live the trip vs blog it. I took less than 100 shots with my phone, and never touched my real camera. Three of the shots below are mine, and two were Zelda's.

Two things I'll remember most about Spain: the friendliness of the people, and the the basilica of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

I'd certainly heard it was beautiful, but it's far beyond that.

It wasn't like any thing I'd seen in Germany, or Austria or Switzerland. In the other churches I've seen, there were certainly beautiful stone walls, and stain glass windows, supporting some kind of lighter roof.

The Sagrada Familia (Sacred Family) is an engineering marvel. As far as i could tell the huge stone columns were supporting a fully stone ceiling. To me it was mind blowing.


One of many of floor to ceiling panels


Mind blowing engineering

The amazing thing to me is Gaudi, the guy who designed it. Over the course of history, the world has certainly seen both artistic and engineering genius. But so much of it in one human seems like it would be extremely rare.

Construction on Sagrada Familia began in 1882. It is said that it will be completed in 2 years.

We watched a video in Spanish. We couldn't figure out how to change the language, but we didn't care. It includes close up images of all the beautiful geometric sculptures carved to tell a story of Jesus. It's compelling art.


Nativity Tower

We paid extra to go up one the towers. Definitely worth it. It's narrow and windy staircase, an elevator takes you most of the way up, and it's 400 steps to get back down.


View of Barcelona from the Nativity Tower

The windows are mostly narrow slots, but it's still a great view.


Tile worker finds a place to work in the shade, on a very hot day

And you get a closer look at some of the construction.

I'll never forget it.
We got back from 10 days in Spain, our graduation present for our daughter. I decided to live the trip vs blog it. I took less than 100 shots with my phone, and never touched my real camera. Three of the shots below are mine, and three were Zelda's.

Two things I'll remember most about Spain: the friendliness of the people, and the the basilica of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

I'd certainly heard it was beautiful, but it's far beyond that.

It wasn't like any thing I'd seen in Germany, or Austria or Switzerland. In the other churches I've seen, there was certainly beautiful stone walls, and stain glass windows, supporting some kind of lighter roof.

The Sagrada Familia (Sacred Family) is an engineering marvel. As far as i could tell the huge stone columns were supporting a fully stone ceiling. To me it was mind blowing.

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One of many of floor to ceiling panels

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Mind blowing engineering

The amazing thing to me is Gaudi, the guy who designed it. Over the course of history, the world has certainly seen both artistic and engineering genius. But so much of it in one human seems like it would be extremely rare.

Construction on Sagrada Familia began in 1882. It is said that it will be completed in 2 years.

We watched a video in Spanish. We couldn't figure out how to change the language, but we didn't care. It includes close up images of all the beautiful geometric sculptures caved to tell a story of Jesus. It's compelling art.

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We paid extra to go up one the Nativity Tower. Definitely worth it. It's narrow and windy staircase, an elevator takes you most of the way up, and it's 400 steps to get back down.

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The windows are mostly narrow slots, but it's still a great view.

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Tile worker finds a place to work in the shade, on a very hot day

And you get a closer look at some of the construction.

I'll never forget it.
that was my fav sight in Barcelona...I heard the locals are really tired of the tourist...I also enjoyed walking the Rambla
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Experiences pay unmeasurable dividends. Congratulations to your daughter and your family!