2024/25 Ski Pass Questionnaire from The Storm

I got it and replied, one question was how many different ski areas I had skied at, I came up with 50 for sure, but I am sure I missed a few.
I got it and replied, one question was how many different ski areas I had skied at, I came up with 50 for sure, but I am sure I missed a few.

I keep mine here, so it was easy to call it up:

Answered as well. I list my ski area/resort count on another ski forum that I've been active on for 15 years. Forgot I have a post here too. Never counted them before. Turned out to be 90, including 27 that I've just sampled for a day. The "sampler list' includes places like Howelsen Hill, Monarch, Mt. Hood Meadows (in May), Cannon, and West Mountain.