Like the rest of Utah, there wasn't much snowfall at Brian Head in January and into mid-February so it's a low snow winter. Was not quite 60% of average as of mid-March. However, there was a big, cold snowstorm that dropped over 2 feet of good snow March 13-15 just before we went. Temps stayed cold for about a week after that snow cycle.
Brian Head was in late season mode. It's owned by Mountain Capital Partners (the other MCP) and on the MCP Power Pass. We bought a day ticket online the night before. Would've been a bit cheaper if bought a day or two earlier. No senior discount. However, we did get the spring voucher for $10, which we used for lunch. Got three emails: confirmation of purchase, email with a QR code to pick up a ticket at a machine, email with a link to a barcode for the $10 credit. Bill managed to get a cardboard ticket out of a machine. Wouldn't work for me so I got a plastic ticket from a ticket window (no line). Both are re-loadable online.
From OpenSnow Snow Report for Brian Head (a mix of estimates and website reports):
We hadn't bothered to check when lifts opened and ended up arriving in time for great parking at the Giant Steps lodge. Lifts open at 9:30 on weekends and 10:00 weekdays. We pulled in about 9:00 after an easy 45 minute drive from Beaver with the last 14 miles on mountain road going up from I-15. More people stay in Cedar City to the south, which is 5-10 minutes closer. Cedar City population is about 40,000, which is ten times more than Beaver.
Since there really isn't a place to stash bootbags for free and it was warm, we booted up in the parking lot. That lodge is an old building. Ticketing and rentals on the bottom floor, cafeteria and restrooms in the middle at snow level, and a sit down bar/restaurant on top. Only stairs between the bottom floor and the middle floor are on the outside. Very little seating space. Clear signs that no outside food is allowed. Also signs to encourage people to eat quickly.
There are picnic tables on the snow side outside the lodge. Also a fire pit. The bar on the top floor has an outside deck with a nice view.
Have a couple of places to change, but no hooks or a place to sit inside. Next to the free Ski Check. But the capacity is so limited, I think that was essentially full all day. Not sure if skis can be left overnight or not . . . didn't ask.
The Navaho side has a much newer lodge. That's where the ski school is located. In the early afternoon it was very busy with families. Has a small cafeteria that had a long line at 1:00. There is more parking there.
While it's possible to ski between the two peaks, could take a while for a beginner or intermediate skier because of a couple of flat sections. We chatted with an older snowboarder who was waiting for the free small shuttle bus that does a continuous loop all day. But the bus is actually for the entire town of Brian Head, so going from Giant Steps to Navaho isn't direct. For an advanced skier or any intermediate willing to pick up speed on a blue before a cat track it's better to stay on snow.