The Lift Blog pictures were taken on November 10th, 2017. The one in the picture you are referencing is between towers 6 and 7, but the actual tree that fell was between towers 5 and 6. My earlier post was incorrect in that I assumed only one tower had deroped.If ya zoom the pic ya can see the log that hit the rope.
In Lift Blog database for that lift the 6th pic shows a big tree with a sketchy top.
Don’t know if that’s the one that came down but it looks dead at the top from the pic.
I don’t know when he took the lift pics.
When a tree impacts a lift, it will cause the haulrope to bounce, and if it rebounds high enough, it can derope from towers. Likewise, when the haulrope deropes from a tower, it will also bounce, and so the cycle repeats until the lift has come to rest. It came completely off 3 towers and was not retained by the cable catchers. It is possible that it came off the sheaves on even more towers, but was retained by the cable catchers.I'd like to know if the cables / chairs dropped suddenly or in slow motion.
All terrain off the Superchief is also accessible from the Overlook Quad.If it dumps while that lift is down that whole east side will be a little freshy paradise.
Glad nobody was on it.The Lift Blog pictures were taken on November 10th, 2017. The one in the picture you are referencing is between towers 6 and 7, but the actual tree that fell was between towers 5 and 6. My earlier post was incorrect in that I assumed only one tower had deroped.
When a tree impacts a lift, it will cause the haulrope to bounce, and if it rebounds high enough, it can derope from towers. Likewise, when the haulrope deropes from a tower, it will also bounce, and so the cycle repeats until the lift has come to rest. It came completely off 3 towers and was not retained by the cable catchers. It is possible that it came off the sheaves on even more towers, but was retained by the cable catchers.
NYS DEC used to manage Belle.I have no idea about the sketchy tree.
Was good all day on Sat when we were there! Wouldn't have had any idea there was an issue.So what's the latest? was it running today?