ORDA to build septic system for North Creek Ski Bowl

yep ..lets not forget about the 600 mil of our tax money going to the buffalo bills... I'm a fan by the way...but the NFL and Bills should have funded this

To my knowledge, the state actually gave the Buffalo Bills $850 million. The Pegula family, who own the Bills or are principal owners, are worth $8 f'n BILLION. This is why the rich get richer and the rest of us can't have nice things.

Can't tie into a private one and the town's septic plans are stalled \ held up.

I couldn't read the article (paywall)... what about the article is new?

I know that originally the state was going to chip in for NC's septic and then decided to go on their own. This happened a while ago.

It's makes it seem like they started construction on the lodge without a finalized plan for septic. If so, that seems odd to me.
Town fell short on funds - "unable to build or afford"
ORDA "has chosen to build its own system to handle 12,000 gallons a day of wastewater"
A private system planned by FrontStreet Mountain Development has been stalled by state permitting delays and now a $2.5 million shortfall in funding.

Uh ....why wouldn't the state jump in and help Front Street Development out with the permitting - help guide them along or the state be more specific in what they want?
I am sure it would be cost beneficial to help them then go it alone.
The state is stalling it just build it on it's own ? Seems like the right hand not talking to the left hand.
“ORDA and New York state are already investing millions at the North Creek Ski Bowl, and there must be assurance that we open on time and create the positive economic benefit for the region that this project is intended to,” Walden wrote in a Jan. 3 letter to Johnsburg officials. “We have decided to move forward with plans to construct our own wastewater treatment system.”

Article is in Times Union but has this tag line - By James Odato, Adirondack Explorer

I didn't look to long but didn't find the article on Adirondack Explorer - I would have to believe the article is on there as well.