The Bears Den lodge has multiple rooms.
One is administrative area with a store, next room is rentals, another room is all benches and storage (you can boot up in and store your gear). another room is the cafeteria (you can also boot up and store here) ...then there's the restaurant.
For food - Bears den has a cafeteria, a restaurant and an outdoor vendor cart.
Sounds like a lot of rooms but it's not all that big.
You can easily walk through it all to check it out.
One floor.
In my minimal experience, the restaurant's service is slow ....too slow to pay all that money for a lift ticket and wait for food.
The main lodge has a cafeteria, 2 restaurants and a bigger better store.
3 floors.
No reason to go there if you are at Bear's Den unless you want a better selection of swag.
Tips ? Have fun and keep the skis pointing down hill.