Belleayre / Platty MLK weekend crowds?


New member
Nov 11, 2021
I've never skied either and would like to drag the family up from the mid-atlantic and check them up. I'm well aware we'll be rolling the dice for weather/coverage. My main concern - how will the crowds be? Pandemonium or manageable? I've spent many Prez Day weekends in Vermont so a pretty high threshold. Thanks for any perspective!
Plattekill is generally a great choice on a "busy" day.
Make the longer drive to Plattekill. I've skied both Belle and Platty during ski safaris from North Carolina. The last time at Platty was during a Pres. Day week. Spent the long weekend skiing around the Berkshires with a friend from PA using the Indy Pass at Catamount, Berkshire East, and West Mountain. Then I headed solo to the Catskills before I drove home. Lucked out and got a powder day at Platty.

Have you skied at Timberline since the Perfect family took over? There is a similar relaxed and friendly vibe at Platty.

Colonial Motel in Grand Gorge, February 25, 2022
Plattekill snow 25Feb2022 - 1.jpeg
Real talk - Platty may very well only have 1 or 2 trails open depending on how the winter goes. Assuming it's cold enough to blow snow Belle will have a significant portion of the mountain open, though yes it will be very crowded.
Bell seems to have a lot of seniors that make Bell the local hangout all week. But is manageable for sure, great terrain and plenty to ski.
I've been to both (though only one day at Plattekill) and am considering this exact trip with family this year. To piggyback on what others have said -- absolutely ski Sun/Mon instead of Saturday if you can swing it. My ideal way to do the trip would be Sunday at Plattekill and Monday at Belleayre, when it will be less crowded. However there is some chance that Plattekill will have very little open (and unless we get lucky with a well-timed storm, it almost certainly won't have a *lot* open) and it will be better to do two days at Belleayre -- the issue there is I assume Belle will sell out in advance for both Sat and Sun. So if that's your plan, pay close attention the week prior to weather, terrain status, and ticket availability.

The advantage of the ticket sales cap at Belleayre is that while it will definitely be crowded, it shouldn't be insane. In my experience they also do a good job of managing the lines at the two main lifts. But if you want to spend time on the long blue cruisers at either end of the summit, get to them early.