Elk Mountain PA for sale?


New member
Jan 6, 2024

A recent post on liftblog mentioned that Elk Mountain PA is for sale. Liftblog provided a link to a post on the Ski the Northeast Facebook Page from June about rumors of the sale. Gregg Confer, general manager of Elk Mountain, commented on the post to confirm that Elk is for sale.

Anyone have any fresh news about this? I hadn't heard about the sale until today. I head down to Elk maybe once a year so I'm a bit curious.
I was told it was sold by a fellow who has worked in office at Elk for years. Announcing before season starts.
Joe Moore, owner of Elk Mountain, turned 80 in 2023. He's owned the place for 60 years. Hopefully the transition will end up being smooth.
We can only hope that Elk gets sold. It will be a huge positive for the skiing public.
I haven't been there since February 2005. Even back then, the infrastructure was antiquated for an otherwise mainstream ski area -- is that still the case?
They had a lift evac in 2024 and 2 within a week in 2022. I am pretty sure they have not updated the lifts since you were there. The E/North Double is a frankenstein lift. It is a mix of CTEC, Hall and Borvig. The F/North Quad shares towers with the E/North Double is the newest lift and it is about 30 years old. Elk has 2 distinct bases for the trails and cannot be covered by 1 lift. They probably could go with 2 FGQs, but then they lose out on the marketing effect of HSQs. There is not enough business to support HSQs.

..but they've planted a lot of trees that you can't ski lol!

Elk's always good for a day or two a season (usually on a warren miller voucher), snow and grooming are usually much better than the rest of pa due to more elevation and less traffic. You can't beat a springish day runnin' Tunk bumps. I say springish because they always close so damn early so they're few and far between.

Its an old school area but without a cool old school vibe, will be interesting to see what direction the new ownership takes.
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..but they've planted a lot of trees that you can't ski lol!
The have planted like 10k Norway spruce. It makes the place look great and reminds me of more northern areas. The Norway Spruce line the trails to create a fence to keep people out of the trees. They claim the trees help preserve snow and snowmaking. I still get a yearly brochure in the mail from Elk and the planting of more trees is always included in the 'new' uprgrade section.