Jiminy Peak Conditions


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2022
There doesn't seem to be a thread for Jiminy, so I'll start one.

I posted last night that I was considering a few options to ski today, none of which were my ultimate choice: Jiminy Peak. It ended up making the most sense for a lot of reasons, and it worked out great.

This was my first Jiminy visit since November 2019, but I know the mountain really well. I went quite a bit in grad school in the 90's (lots of nights riding the cold summit triple) and I was a midweek/twilight season passholder from 2001-07 when I lived in Williamstown. I'd often have a work schedule that would allow me to ski for an hour and a half or two hours in the morning a few days a week then work the rest of the day and into the evening.

The snow was nice all day, and got better as a fresh coating arrived by around lunch time. Jiminy is great about making snow to have lots of terrain open, but they also can't resist grooming almost all of it flat. Today, there were a number of fun ungroomed spots on the sides of some trails and even some pretty deep barely-tracked patches on the right side of Jericho. I think my favorites for the day were Jericho, Noreaster, and John Hancock. They've had some icing on the trees recently, and many were hanging low over sides of the trails with small branches down.

It was not busy. I never waited for more than a chair or two on the Berkshire Express and often rode up alone or with just one other person. Widow Whites was open in the morning and the Grand Slam double in the afternoon, and both were nearly empty. I skied nearly everything that was open in under 4 hours, not rushing, including a leisurely lunch break.

I didn't notice a whole lot of changes since my last time there. The unloading area for the Berkshire Express seems to have expanded some, which probably helps when busy. I was disappointed to notice that the line of evergreen trees separating the groomed and natural halves of Lower Exhibition have been cleared. I remember Hot Wheels Glade having a few more trees than it does now.

My criticisms are minor. They haven't bothered shoveling the steps on the "pedestrian walkway" in the parking area, and it's really just an icy incline with a railing. I should have walked up the road. I also don't think the Berkshire Express loading area setup is great - too many people crowd in front of the RFID gate, then you wind around with people also just standing around beyond it. It probably is necessary to have it the way they did when busy, but today it was just annoying. Food was overpriced but not obscenely so like some places, and the variety and quality were good despite the small crowds.
There doesn't seem to be a thread for Jiminy, so I'll start one.

I posted last night that I was considering a few options to ski today, none of which were my ultimate choice: Jiminy Peak. It ended up making the most sense for a lot of reasons, and it worked out great.

This was my first Jiminy visit since November 2019, but I know the mountain really well. I went quite a bit in grad school in the 90's (lots of nights riding the cold summit triple) and I was a midweek/twilight season passholder from 2001-07 when I lived in Williamstown. I'd often have a work schedule that would allow me to ski for an hour and a half or two hours in the morning a few days a week then work the rest of the day and into the evening.

The snow was nice all day, and got better as a fresh coating arrived by around lunch time. Jiminy is great about making snow to have lots of terrain open, but they also can't resist grooming almost all of it flat. Today, there were a number of fun ungroomed spots on the sides of some trails and even some pretty deep barely-tracked patches on the right side of Jericho. I think my favorites for the day were Jericho, Noreaster, and John Hancock. They've had some icing on the trees recently, and many were hanging low over sides of the trails with small branches down.

It was not busy. I never waited for more than a chair or two on the Berkshire Express and often rode up alone or with just one other person. Widow Whites was open in the morning and the Grand Slam double in the afternoon, and both were nearly empty. I skied nearly everything that was open in under 4 hours, not rushing, including a leisurely lunch break.

I didn't notice a whole lot of changes since my last time there. The unloading area for the Berkshire Express seems to have expanded some, which probably helps when busy. I was disappointed to notice that the line of evergreen trees separating the groomed and natural halves of Lower Exhibition have been cleared. I remember Hot Wheels Glade having a few more trees than it does now.

My criticisms are minor. They haven't bothered shoveling the steps on the "pedestrian walkway" in the parking area, and it's really just an icy incline with a railing. I should have walked up the road. I also don't think the Berkshire Express loading area setup is great - too many people crowd in front of the RFID gate, then you wind around with people also just standing around beyond it. It probably is necessary to have it the way they did when busy, but today it was just annoying. Food was overpriced but not obscenely so like some places, and the variety and quality were good despite the small crowds.
Doesn't sound like much has changed since I skied there 12 years ago except for the RFID gates.
Looks like they have made a lot of snow even before the cold snap.
Duffy’s a farmer who used to fix robot milking machines.
I saw this chair swing in someone’s front yard on a recent trip walking through Hancock, MA. I’m guessing that it’s a Riblet and it was from Jiminy. And what’s with the rack thingy? Maybe it’s for bikes or a coaster sled? Perhaps it was the Exhibition Double?


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Jiminy was riblet heaven but I don’t remember any center poles there. Maybe it’s from before my time or from Brody?
I saw this chair swing in someone’s front yard on a recent trip walking through Hancock, MA. I’m guessing that it’s a Riblet and it was from Jiminy. And what’s with the rack thingy? Maybe it’s for bikes or a coaster sled? Perhaps it was the Exhibition Double?

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That is from the Grand Slam lift before they changed the chairs. The attachment is for the alpine slide carts. They hang them off the back to get them back up the hill
That is from the Grand Slam lift before they changed the chairs. The attachment is for the alpine slide carts. They hang them off the back to get them back up the hill
Pictures of the Grand Slam lift after the original center pole chairs were replaced.
