Gore's Little Red Gondola

Wildcat's gondi was indeed a two seater. Three buckets on the back, two for skis and one for poles. I have fond memories of riding that with my family. Not the most family friendly ride, given only two seats and the gondis frequently stank...
Quite a few fond memories here. I’m fairly certain I’ve posted them before.

One was of the Wildcat gondola when we had to wait to get in the car because the lift op was loading sand bags in it because of the wind.

The other was the old Gore gondola. I remember pretty much shitting myself going over that gap. We stalled there once in the wind for what felt like an eternity. My good friend, now passed, Rick Stringham and I had monoskis that wouldn’t fit in the exterior racks so we would bring them inside for the ride. Lots of memories of the late eighties early nineties ripping midwinter Darkside pow and smashing spring bumps on Hawkeye with the monos. RIP old friend.
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Stopped to see Little Red 42 on our recent trip to the North Country.




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