Johnny V.
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    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Andy_ROC's post in the thread Bristol Conditions with Like Like.
      Thank you for the update. It's been a rough handful of years especially Christmas. Hopefully this year is much better for them.
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      Made a few runs today on my way back from Branchport to Rochester. Conditions were "firm"-glad I had my slalom skis in the locker...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      OK, finally got my butt down to the hill. Skied yesterday with my two older granddaughters. Crowds weren't too bad although they got a...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      Another armchair update. U/L Rocket, Nova and Shooting Star are opening today. The new Launching Pad N will open this AM. They are...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Harvey's post in the thread It's Time to Ski New York with Like Like.
      I definitely want to ski all of these places during the week. We're kind of over the whole apres thing. But I want my wife to see...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Andy_ROC's post in the thread It's Time to Ski New York with Like Like.
      Harv, when you do Holiday Valley and Holimont just remember Holimont is open to the public only weekdays that aren't holidays. If you...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Harvey's post in the thread It's Time to Ski New York with Like Like.
      Thanks Johnny V. To be clear I'm giving myself 2-3 seasons to get this done. I originally thought I'd start NEXT season. But now I'm...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      Webcams looking better today-U/L Rocket, Shooting Star, and Nova are getting blasted. I may try for Sunday and Monday.
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread It's Time to Ski New York.
      Let me know when you might be at Bristol-happy to show you around assuming we finally get some winter here.I'm retired, so weekdays are...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      Best laid plans................all set to stop by on my way back home to Roch, but as I went out to load the truck I was greeted with...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Bristol Conditions.
      Bristol is opening today. According to their Facebook post, they had electrical trouble with the guns on Rocket, so they're opening with...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to TomCat's post in the thread Wood Pile Obsession with Like Like.
      I usually have a backup stack to use if I run out so I generally don’t worry too much. Using a lot means it’s cold and I’m skiing. Tom
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Adirondack Johnny's post in the thread Wood Pile Obsession with Like Like.
      I'm in the process of taking down about 30 standing dead ash trees this week. Aka vertical storage firewood. Burns great immediately...
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. reacted to Harvey's post in the thread Wood Pile Obsession with Like Like.
      Plus if the trees were dead for a year, the wood is practically seasoned.
    • Johnny V.
      Johnny V. replied to the thread Wood Pile Obsession.
      We heat with wood at our Keuka cottage and since we're closing up tomorrow we've got plenty and a lot of log length stuff to be cut up...
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