Plattekill Conditions

Not to my knowledge.

It was only relevant in context of a third lift.
It is possible to convert a double to a triple, as long as the line gauge is wide enough for clearance purposes, and the drive can handle the load. I believe Hall used the same line gauge on their doubles and triples, so you can convert one by simply changing the chairs. This actually happened at Hunt Hollow and Shawnee Peak, where Hall doubles were converted to triples by CTEC, but still use the original towers.
The double chairs are in good shape. Many have been replaced recently.

I learned last year while the chairs do have value, most of the value lies in the grips. Good chairs with bad grips aren't worth much and good grips on bad chairs do have value.

I also learned recently that the double and triple have different haul rope diameters. The triple chairs from Windham fit the double, not the current triple.

Personally I don't see any reason why you'd need to increase the uphill capacity of the double. I've never seen a line on the double outside of a line for first chair on a powder day.

i believe the thinking is triples have more room and skiers like it.
Increase in max lift capacity by 50% if ya go to triple chairs from double chairs, all else being equal.