Skiing in the Woods


Jul 15, 2020
Don't necessarily have something great here, I just want this thread.

Ice and skiing report: It rained the other day on our 8 inches of dense snow, and I kind of assumed that anything remaining would be a brick. Instead we found a very breakable crust with some good icy granular skiable beneath.

I decided to try it with my oldest gear. Not the best gear for the job, but the best gear to sacrifice in thin cover.

Here is a picture of this very same gear taken 10 or 15 years ago.

xcd gt

Asolo Snowfields, Rotte Super Telemarks and Karhu XCD GTs. I've gone deep into the woods in those boots. I've had them since 1992.

The woods were actually skiable tonight. And the more you skied it the better it was. I skied everything that wasn't "steep" downhill.

When I came back, n wanted to go out with me, and we skied it all, including the steeps.

I'm counting it. Ski Day 5 ?