Quebec Earthquake felt across NY State

An Earthquake centered in southern Quebec was felt across the North Country this afternoon. The tremor took place around 1:45pm and was reported by various sources to be between 5.0 and 5.7 in magnitude. It was measured at 5.0 by the US Geologic Survey.

Various news reports detailed minor shaking and minimal damage across the Adirondacks in New York State. According to the Associated Press reports of shaking came from Buffalo to Albany to Massena, along the Saint Lawrence River. CBC reported more significant damage in Bowman, Quebec, near the epicenter.

2 comments on “Quebec Earthquake felt across NY State

  1. Here are a few things I wrote yesterday:

    Shaking like crazy in downtown Ottawa. Many people left the building and are leaving early. Neighbouring building (co-workers) has some plaster cracks and dust up.

    The Canada Earthquake webiste got overloaded, I guess when Ottawa-Montreal-Toronto feels it…here is the info on the USGS.

    5.5 (new number is 5.0)

    39 km (24 miles) N (356°) from Cumberland, Ontario, Canada
    45 km (28 miles) NNE (21°) from Gatineau, Québec, Canada
    52 km (32 miles) NNE (26°) from Hull, Québec, Canada
    53 km (33 miles) NNE (21°) from OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada

    Oh yeah, I'm leaving for California on Saturday.


    …when you’re in a 15 story building about 30 miles from the epicentre from a 5, it's pretty impressive. The fact that everything here is build on rock, the stockwave travel well on the Canadian Shield.

    California next week… and maybe Chile/Argentina at the end of the summer. :O

    First one for the sounds:

    This youtube clip CNN reflects it pretty well.

  2. I live and work in Huntsville, Ontario, home of this year’s G8 Summit (and currently home to more cops/military than you can imagine). When the earthquake happened, I hear a “whumph” felt the shaking, and my first thought was “bomb?” Went outside and looked to see if there was a mushroom cloud over Deerhurst Resort, site of the Summit meeting. I guess the whumph was just our old building settling a bit.

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